So I have a 4 day weekend and loving it. I not only get a chance to reconnect with my baby but accomplish some things around the house. However it brings up memories I would just assume repress. The smell of a clean house is just something every person loves and I enjoy when Joe cleans the house for me. Today I believe is the first time I have cleaned the house floors in all since we moved back in. The smell of Murphy's oil after a good swiffering of all the dog hair you could ever image. This is all to familiar of the day our house was on fire. It was a Saturday I spent all day cleaning the house while Joe was at his dad's. The sun was shining in the window and the dog hair was properly battled. That evening we decided to have Jet's Pizza (it is this ridiculous rich pizza with Turbo crust). It was carry out so Joe, Morgan (the dog) and I got in the car. We ate and I was laying on the cough reading Dr. Bradly's book on natural child birth. Joe had just opened a beer and walked down stairs to play his game for a little while. A few minutes later my oldest brother called asking Life Insurance exam questions about Nicotine. I was standing in the Kitchen and the breaker popped for some reason... think nothing of this yelled down to Joe to click it back on. After a few clicks back and forth with nothing he came up stairs. We both looked into the living room where our fire place was radiating heat and lighting the room we looked up. The plastic sconce around the light was melting. Still on the phone told Joe to grab the fire extinguisher, he popped a hole in the sconce and I though great we are going to have to fix that, then we walked out the side door where black smoke was pouring out of our roof. At this point a told my brother I had to go because our house was on fire. Joe popped up into the attic to spray the rest of the extinguisher on the fire. I am standing below asking if I need to call 911... he comes down and doesn't say anything... I finally called a little freaked out. I manage to grab my purse, net book and keys on the way out. The rest of the night seems like a blur as I sit in my car with the dog watching flames coming out of our house.
So this day off is feeling like a repeat of that day... Maybe this is why I don't clean the house any more... which doesn't seem that bad because I could be a major hoarder due to this trauma.
This also reminds me of a day I went to Hallmark for a religious gift and ran into a woman who was admiring My baby girl and talking about how her daughter just graduated from High School and was starting paramedic school... she was telling me how it had been a hard year for them as to date it had been a year since their home was struck by lighting and they lost most everything. I felt her pain and said we had something equally traumatic happen. We didn't lose everything but is an un-describable pain that you will carry with you the rest of your life.
Well now that I have been Debbie downer it is time to get up and put away the laundry. Keep Strong and Carry On! Remember Life is not easy but if it was what fun would it be :)