Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nesting day #5

Well today was another fun filled day of unpacking and getting my life in order... Today started off with me getting up and 6:30 a.m. as the day was full with J.A. friend from college coming over and Joe's mother. The first to make it over was the direct TV guy to put the dish back on the roof... which was necessary as the whole roof was ripped off. It was sitting on the ground/hanging from cords so it didn't take long to put back up. Then after J.A. showed up the laundry came, they filled 2 closets with hanging clothes in bag with tags and also boxes of clothes as tall as I am (5'7") we unpacked for hours about half way through Joe's mom showed up thank goodness because this Baby was not into the bending, walking, standing... After we finished it was time for lunch as we have no food in the house just yet. We then unpacked the closet full of breakables that were in the china hutch and that was pretty much the bulk of the day. We also visited Joe's sister at her work and had dinner and watched TV for the remainder of the evening. Tomorrow is Wednesday and there is more work to be done... I think I should schedule a day of rest soon : )

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