Saturday, September 18, 2010

6 Years Ago...

6 years ago Joe and I became boyfriend and girlfriend... who knew this was going to last. We met in the dorms because we lived right next door to each other... I came up with the genius plan the spring before with a friend that we should live in the co-ed floor dorm but little did I know I would meet my future husband. Joe use to stop over and say 'hi' I thought he was cute, funny, good looking and I wasn't looking for anything serious. I was busy chatting up guy and being a make-out whore. Well one evening I decided tonight was the night I was going to make out with the neighbor boy. I figured out what party he was going to be at, found him after a couple of beers, grabbed his butt and spent all night talking with him. LOL Joe doesn't seem to be the most romantic meeting but it is totally the people we are. That night my roommate decided to bring home 4th night b/f and Joe had to walking me home and sleep in our room... heaven forbid she be alone in our dorm. Anyway we all 4 slept on the futon until my roommate kicked us out. That night I left to go to my parents cabin for the weekend and on Sunday evening there was a note on the white board from Joe asking me to hang out. The rest is history, married, house, dog and a baby on the way. If you asked me back then where I would be 5 years from now, I doubt my answer would have been this. So 5 years from no clue about where I will be but I hope it includes Joe, Morgan, Our Baby and our loving families!

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